Figure 2. Expression of SARS-COV-2 N-protein, vimentin and smooth muscle actin (SMA) in umbilical cord samples from women with Covid-19. A-C- Expression of SARS-COV-2 N-protein in fibroblast-like and smooth muscle cells of the umbilical vein wall: A - Presence of weak N-protein staining in fibroblast-like and smooth muscle cells of the umbilical vein) in patients with confirmed Covid-19; B – Lack of N-protein expression in women without signs of Covid-19; A, B x400; B - Negative control; Vx100; D-F- Expression, SMA (marker of smooth muscle cells) in the structures of the umbilical cord: in fibroblast-like cells of Wharton's jelly, (E, F), in smooth muscle cells of the wall of the umbilical vein (D); Dх100, Eх400, Fх200. G-J-Expression of vimentin (a marker of cells of mesenchymal origin) in the structures of the umbilical cord: in fibroblast-like cells of Wharton's jelly (G, I, J), as well as in smooth muscle cells of the umbilical vein wall (J). Gх200, Hх100, Iх400, Jх100. Рисунок 3. Экспрессия CD105, CD117, CD34 в образцах пуповины у женщин, заболевших Сovid-19.